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Our school



Our school






Saxon Way Primary is firmly rooted in our local communities and we aim to provide access to the very highest quality education, often associated with the selective or independent sector, for all pupils.


We keep in balance those three dimensions of school life, always associated with the very best maintained and independent schools: a strong pastoral system that ensures each child is known and understood, the broadest provision that widens minds and opportunities and the highest standards of achievement both inside and outside of the classroom.

We recognise that the personal development of our pupils plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve their full potential.

We believe that our students cannot and will not learn effectively unless:

  • they are happy and secure;
  • their individuality is respected;
  • their differences are celebrated;
  • their difficulties are understood;
  • their interests are extended;
  • their talents are developed.

Our desire is for pupils to know that their expertise, opinions and ideas are valued in all aspects of school life. Pupil Voice permeates all levels of our work together. This ranges from children participating in small group or paired discussions and assessing their own learning, to those like our School Council establishing procedures, leading on enterprise events such as the Christmas fete as well as the development of our learning areas. Our peer mediators have been rigorously trained and ably support the needs of other children particularly at playtimes. Ambassadors as role models also assist during the school day, particularly at lunchtimes and enthusiastically greet and make visitors feel welcomed at our school.

We share in the conviction of the Griffin Schools Trust that a great school, beyond that of Ofsted Outstanding, are built around Proud Traditions, Wide Horizons and High Achievement:


Proud Traditions

A GST school will be characterised by the development of independence of thought and learning in the pursuit of excellence. Students will develop their individual strengths and skills and build the integrity, self-discipline, decision- making and resilience necessary to their own success and that of others.

They will develop an understanding of their social responsibility and the scope they have to make a difference in their local communities and as world citizens. Students will be able to express their opinions and passions articulately and confidently with due consideration for others.

Students will enjoy school and their varied friends and be proud to be part of the school community and Trust family and the opportunities these afford them. Relationships will be characterised by mutual respect, the joint creation of meaning and a commitment to continual learning.


Wide Horizons

Students will have free access to an extensive range of curriculum enrichment and extra-curricular activities, including residential, that broaden their experiences and horizons.


High Achievement

Students will follow a curriculum that both gives them a firm foundation in the disciplines that support all learning, including exceptional English and mathematics provision, and that will allow them success at the highest levels. Students will achieve academic outcomes well above the national norms and will earn accreditation for their musical, sporting or creative skills through a strong co-curricular programme.


Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
